Match Event!
Thanks to a Patterson Family Foundation match, along with SVCF funds, contributions up to $5,000 made to your endowed fund during the MATCH time period will be doubled! Our MATCH runs from the Lindsborg Holiday Open House (November 9, 2024) through Giving Tuesday (December 3, 2024).
You can donate to any of the following funds during our Fall Match Opportunity:
SVCF Enhancement Fund
Bethany Home Fund
Broadway RFD Fund
Lindsborg Arts Council Fund
Lindsborg Child Development Center Support Fund
Lindsborg Community Health Care Foundation Fund
Lindsborg Community Hospital Fund
Lindsborg Community Library Fund
Lindsborg Midsummer’s Festival, Inc. Fund
Lindsborg Old Mill and Swedish Heritage Museum Fund
Lindsborg Swedish Folk Dancer Fund
Raymer Society for the Arts Fund
Smoky Valley Arts & Folklife Center Fund
Svensk Hyllningsfest Foundation Fund
For more information or to donate in person, contact one of our board members:
Adam Lackey
Melinda Hansen
Denise Peterson
Becky Anderson
Amie Bauer
Dana Byers
Angelica Carrillo-Hernandez
Kris Erickson
Kellie Feistner
Spencer Greene
Donate By Mail:
Smoky Valley Community Foundation
PO Box 84
Lindsborg, KS 67456